Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Following Robin Hood's Footstep

Assalamualaikum, Hey there beautiful creature ! 

Okay it's now time for the next new thing, archeryyyyyyyyyyyy *yell* 

Qila :
Archery!*excited* Actually, this is not my VERY first time of playing archery. I used to play archery when I was going to a Game Festival in Kuala Lumpur but I just use the bow and arrow without even know the rules and I just need to hit on a balloon that hang on a black cloths. Therefore, when I was going to Sunway Pyramid and play Archery there, I learned the rules to play it such as how to do a good posture, where should I place my hands and how to aim the target well. Thank you I bid to my instructor, Rahmat(same age as me).hehe. Nahh,I am just kidding. No hidden meaning. Well yeah, I learned to focus well when I play Archery and I think I score well. Fast-Learner of the Day! (picture of my target below)

Farahin : 
Archery is all about aiming. When you start pull your string to your cheek, close your left eye and aim for to get the highest score.. Yeahhh.. It is enjoyable..But don’t forget to wear the armguard to protect your arm from injury. Once you hold the bow..then just say out loud in your heart “I AM THE NEXT ROBIN HOOD!!”

Farahin on her duty.. LOL

This one sport is a bit technically complicated- lots of hows- but still, it’s a new thing that I’ve grown love to. I was not really fond of this sport at first but once I tried, I think it is somehow a good way to help me get out of that stress balloon. Give yourself a try and you’ll know what I mean. You do not have to pay much if cost matters, just a few bucks and you got to shot. Hmmm, I have to work quite hard to hit the target but anyhow, you need to be skilled and it makes you more focused. 

Okay, so this is it. 

Girls gone bad..Eh,no! They gone WILD..

There you go Qila..
Aiming at he target (look at how tensed they are)

We are CONTENTED,,yaaayyy!!

Till then, The Fun Cravers.
Thanks for dropping by. Leave the comment down there, will ya ? 

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